Available Spaces
Interested in opening a business on the Avenue?
Below is the current (as of 1/29/2025) inventory of available commercial spaces, but please also contact us to learn more!
Please Note: The information provided is based on our best knowledge and research. We recommend confirming details such as rates, square footage, and availability directly with the listed realtor for each property. Our "Available Now" section features spaces we have confirmed are for rent, while the "Vacant Spaces" section includes properties that are unoccupied but may require further inquiry. If you're interested in a vacant space, we encourage you to mention it to a realtor for more details. Just a friendly reminder—East Passyunk Avenue BID is here to support businesses, but we are not a real estate company. Let us know if we can assist in any other way such as connecting you to avenue relators who may know more!
Michael A. Giangiordano II
Co-Owner/REALTOR, Century 21 Forrester RE
CEO/Founder, Rental Rater
Cell- 267.688.1449
Email- mike@rentalrater.com
1608 E E. Passyunk Ave Philadelphia, PA 19148
Avenue Relators
Anthony Criniti
A Critini Realty
CEO/Founder, Rental Rater
Cell- 215-465-4225
1633 E Passyunk Ave Philadelphia, PA 19148
Sam Carchidi
Sam Carchidi Real Estate
CEO/Founder, Rental Rater
Cell - (856) 904-1577
1842 E Passyunk Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19148
Available now
Available now 〰️
Vacant Spaces
Vacant Spaces 〰️
Are you a property owner on the avenue looking to rent/lease one of your spaces?
Please click the button below to contact us!